Coding assessments is a term that often makes developers sigh in exasperation. It's not just about having to prove one's coding chops, which developers might feel uncalled for; it's the dread of wading through hours of potentially irrelevant tasks, which are usually unpaid. Developers also frequently comment on how coding assessments are so out of touch with current tech trends and with roles that they have to practice specifically for them, even if what they’re asked to complete doesn’t match the role they’re applying for.
Devs care for companies that respect their time and craft and will not want to get themselves into just another generic test. But when executed right, specific tools can help pivot this gruelling process into a meaningful evaluation.
Besides their lousy rep, coding assessments do have some pitfalls. As some tools, such as HackerRank, become more popular, more candidates try to crack it and cheat, making any attempt futile. Moreover, most of these tools only gauge technical skills and not a cultural fit. That’s why HR teams should also count on platforms that pre-vet candidates, allowing the focus to shift from tech skills to compatibility.
Considering these circumstances, these are the best coding assessment tools to help recruiters hire top tech talent in 2023 (without eliciting rage or eye-rolling):
1. Codility
Codility is an evidence-based platform that can predict the candidate’s real-life skills using different programming languages and frameworks on varying degrees of difficulty. Codility goes beyond the basics by providing plagiarism detection and live pair programming features, ensuring the authenticity and integrity of your candidates' submissions.
There are limited pre-created tasks, but it is really easy to create your own, turning the test into one that’s perfectly designed for your company’s specific requirements. This assessment platform can also be integrated with your ATS, enhancing the hiring process.
2. CodeSignal
Dedicated to helping recruiters identify top coding talent, CodeSignal brings a fresh approach to technical assessments as it focuses on the candidate's skills rather than their resumes. This platform employs real-world coding scenarios and projects, allowing candidates to showcase their skills in practical situations.
CodeSignal's Certified Assessments and Coding Score allow recruiters to rank candidates against industry benchmarks, making hiring decisions even more data-driven. These certifications offer an alternative (or an addition) to resumes, giving HR teams different and reliable sets of data to compare between candidates. This assessment platform supports 70+ languages, frameworks, and tools.
3. HackerEarth
Initially, HackerEarth was developed as a venue for business hackathons. Since then, functions for pair programming interviews and code screening have been introduced. HackerEarth allows recruiters to build precise skill-based tests that will aid in helping efficiently screen candidates, saving time and money. This tool provides strict anti-plagiarism programs, such as banning tab switching and copying and pasting during evaluations. It currently works with 35 programming languages.
This tool is perfect for businesses with an excess of eligible candidates and must filter applications rapidly, as it allows running both hackathons and screening candidates.
4. CodeSubmit
This tool is one of the most flexible and candidate-friendly ones in today’s market, mainly because it offers plenty of languages. With the use of take-home assignments that are based on actual tasks, CodeSubmit enables recruiters to find outstanding applicants.
This platform is the only one that enables HR teams to assess each candidate’s framework knowledge. Its library presently contains over 50 of the most widely used languages, frameworks, and technologies employed by frontend, backend, and mobile teams worldwide. Each assessment can be tailored entirely to the engineering team's stack.
5. CoderPad
CoderPad is an interview tool that enables candidates to create executable programs in real time, making it easier for recruiters to assess codes quickly. This program also enables simultaneous code execution by the interviewer and the person who is being interviewed, all while code is being written. It is a straightforward and user-friendly application that nonetheless gives users the impression that they are working in an authentic environment. We promise: similarities to Ender’s Game are solely a coincidence.
Coderpad are the creators of CodinGame, which is also part of our list.
6. DevSkiller
DevSkiller is a developer screening and online interview platform that stands out with its focus on real-world testing. The platform enables recruiters to create custom coding tests that mirror the tasks developers tackle daily, cutting down hiring times by 50%. It even supports non-standard technologies and frameworks, accommodating a more comprehensive range of tech roles. Detailed reports and performance metrics provide valuable insights into candidates' capabilities, going beyond as they test frameworks, libraries, and databases in addition to programming languages.
7. CodinGame
At the beginning of the recruiting process, CodinGame might help to contest one of the hardest, coldest truths about coding assessments: that they’re dreadful, bland, and innocuous. CodinGame, for its part, is outstandingly far from that status.
This tool saves everyone's time and effort by validating candidates' coding skills through practical problems that can come in the form of games, making the assessment enjoyable. It was first created by video game designers who settled to look for a different approach to the hiring process. It’s not only about JavaScript — this one works with over 20 programming languages. This tool is exceptional for companies that are looking to engage or retain their team’s talent. That’s right: it’s not just for hiring.
Earlier this year, we featured this tool on the opposite end — as one of our picked best games to learn to code for new programmers in 2023. Please note that CodinGame does not promote itself as a coding assessment tool but as a learning tool. Still, due to its popularity among new and experienced programmers, we suggest recruiters integrate it into their vacancy-filling process.
Designed to simplify the screening process for tech roles, helps HR professionals to create coding challenges that evaluate specific skills and knowledge relevant to the position that’s currently vacant. To give hiring managers a more profound understanding of a candidate's problem-solving abilities, the assessments can be turned into pair programming and can be additionally timed and recorded. With built-in video interviewing and collaborative coding features, HR teams can efficiently assess candidates' technical expertise while observing their problem-solving approach in real-time. According to their information, this tool supports a total of 28 languages.
9. Byteboard
Byteboard is a relatively new tool created in Google’s Area 120. This interviewing system makes use of project-based interviews to evaluate the technical abilities employed on the job. It focuses on aiding large businesses in creating diverse teams and providing advanced tools for the process, such as anonymisation features. This tool is available for backend engineering, mobile, data engineering and web roles.
10. iMocha
iMocha is a cloud-based coding assessment tool. Their promotional material claims that it supports 35 programming languages; even if, at a quick glance on their website, one can only clearly identify tests for 14 languages, iMocha does indeed give recruiters a broad spectrum to match varied job specifications. What sets it apart is the clear labelling of tests, allowing recruiters to quickly choose between basic and advanced levels based on the role.
For instance, on iMocha's Coding Tests section, assessments are clearly labelled to indicate their complexity level, be it 'High', 'Medium', or 'Basic'. Recruiters can also see the number of candidates who've been assessed using that test and the number of organisations it has served. For context, their 'High' level Python Coding Test has been utilised by roughly 120 organisations to assess over 15,000 candidates
Alongside technical tests, iMocha has a selection of assessments for soft skills, offering a more rounded candidate evaluation. The platform comes with a comprehensive pre-built question bank and the flexibility to add custom questions.
Work with a tech partner to streamline your hiring process
We understand the challenges of tech recruitment. Sifting through countless applications and setting up an efficient system to judge a developer's skill can be exhausting and might not even uncover if the candidate is a cultural match. Moreover, requesting an assessment only to end up being a villain makes things even more frustrating.
Imagine having access to a vast community of pre-screened candidates right here in Europe. How much time and effort could that save you? By tapping into our network, you can streamline your hiring process, ensuring that you connect with developers who truly match your needs. Why spend time setting up intricate assessment systems when you can get straight to vetted talent?
Book a call with us today, and let's chat about how we can make your recruitment journey smoother.