Employer Telling

Daniel Petri
Head of Projects

Recruiting videos can make your job ads special. They give candidates insights into the team and company and therefore increase the chances of applying. Daniel is going to talk about recruiting videos, their additional value and best practices at epunkt.

Download the presentation as a PDF.

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Employer Telling

Daniel Petri
Head of Projects

Recruiting videos can make your job ads special. They give candidates insights into the team and company and therefore increase the chances of applying. Daniel is going to talk about recruiting videos, their additional value and best practices at epunkt.

Download the presentation as a PDF.

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Employer Telling
Daniel Petri

Employer Telling

Daniel Petri
Head of Projects

Recruiting videos can make your job ads special. They give candidates insights into the team and company and therefore increase the chances of applying. Daniel is going to talk about recruiting videos, their additional value and best practices at epunkt.

Download the presentation as a PDF.

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