Every Dev Matters

We asked 1000+ developers across Europe what matters the most at work. From salary transparency and how it affects their decision-making, to mental and physical health prevention, and to better understand their career aspirations. Read our findings!

#Wanted and #Misunderstood:
A Developer Survey 2024

Finding #1

Be where developers are

There is no way around community-based hiring. If you post a regular job ad you are only visible to active job seekers that’s only 6% of the general workforce.

70% of tech professionals are passive candidates.
This is a massive pool of tech talent that are open to new opportunities.

Finding #2

Communicate the salary

60% of tech professionals, whether actively job hunting or not, prioritize salary transparency above all else.

For companies looking to attract the right candidates, disclosing salaries is essential, as it makes developers significantly more likely to consider a job opportunity.

Finding #3

Reduce interview stages

60% of both developers and HR professionals agree that two interview stages are optimal, balancing thorough assessment with respect for the candidates’ time.

Finding #4

Provide upskilling opportunities

80% of developers strongly prefer upskilling within their current roles rather than seeking new employment opportunities.

"Every job platform promises to fill your vacancies with ease, but WeAreDevelopers is the only one that delivers."

Nina Aichinger, Head of HR

"The skillset of the candidates was extremely good and more diverse than we could find on other channels."

David Boutellier, Head of Product

"WeAreDevelopers is probably the most authentic and largest developer community out there."

Michael Zettel, Country Managing Director (Austria)

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Our methodology

Developer target group

  • Data collection method: CAWI
  • Sample size: n=1.217
  • Survey area: Across Europe
  • Seniority:
    40% mid-level
    27% senior-level
    17% in leading positions
    16% junior developers

HR & C-level target group

  • Data collection method: CAWI
  • Sample size: n=151
  • Survey area: France, Germany, Netherlands and UK
  • Seniority:
    40% C-level manager
    60% recruiter / manager

Access Developer Survey 2024 Results

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