Each team is different and has a unique combination of people working together day-to-day. They’re all different in their personalities, habits, routines, and working strategies. However, there's one thing that's the same for all teams – they need to work together to reach a common goal. A team vision statement is designed to help teams stay motivated and work towards a goal set for the future that's unique for them. This is why you must create an inspiring team vision statement for your software development team.

Writing an inspiring team vision statement is not something you can complete after a 5-minute brainstorming session. It needs to develop slowly and progressively. To make sure your team vision statement is a winning one, we've prepared the ultimate guide on how to write it. Keep reading for all the essential facts, as well as a list of 6 practical writing tips to apply to your team vision statement.

Team vision statement – definition

Let's start by defining and explaining exactly what a team vision statement is. By definition, a team vision statement is: a short sentence that expresses where you want to be as a team in the future and inspires the team members to work together and connect.

It sounds so simple and straightforward. But, for a team vision statement to truly speak to your team members and have them believe it, it needs to be written carefully.

The process of writing a team vision statement should include your team members, consider the company mission, and find a way to reflect all the values you and your team stand for. That's why you need a writing strategy.

Team vision statement – writing strategy

We've put together a step-by-step guide to help you write an inspiring team vision statement that will guide your team forward and contribute to the overall positive work atmosphere you’re trying to maintain.

Here are six practical tips you should follow to write the ultimate team vision statement.

1. Gather the team

The first thing you need to know is that you’re not supposed to write this team vision statement all on your own. You should include other people in the process to make sure the result reflects everyone’s ideals and ideas.

If you're writing a team vision statement for a small software development team, you can invite them all to an initial brainstorming session. If the team is huge, invite team leaders and managers who’ll speak for the rest.

Together, exchange ideas about:

  • what makes you unique
  • what’s your number one priority
  • how you see your customers and what you’re trying to give them
  • what’s your main goal
  • where you see the team in 5 or 10 years

Allow for an open discussion to take place during the team meeting and hear out what people have to say. Write down their ideas to use later on.

2. Look into the future

Your team vision statement should not reflect the current state of affairs in your team. It should reflect where you want to be and what you strive for in the future.

Therefore, your team vision statement should:

  • define a future state
  • express what you wish to achieve
  • be optimistic

For example, a recently-established software development company could have the following team vision statement:

  • “Be the leader in business digitalization in our community.”
  • “Bring improvement and success to business all over the country.”

This vision statement will be something all team members, including those you just interviewed and recruited, will be presented with. So, say what you want to achieve or where you want to be to keep the motivation levels up at all times.

3. Make it achievable

When you're planning for the future, it's easy for things to get out of hand. You need to remember that your team vision statement should be:

  • achievable
  • realistic

Yes, it should be a stretch and something not easy to achieve. But, don't go too far writing:

  • “Take over the global market and become the n.1 software development team in the world”.

Estelle Liotard, a content marketing and writing expert working for a high-quality thesis writing site, agrees: “If your team vision statement is exaggerated and unrealistic, nobody's going to believe it. It might even demoralize your team. So, make it hard to achieve-but achievable."

Remember, this team vision statement will guide them through every development project, team meeting, business idea, or process. It needs to speak to them the right way.

4. Simplify it

You’re writing for your team, and you want them to read it and instantly understand the message. Not that they won’t understand a more complex one, but a simpler version will sink in quickly.

This is why you should write and rewrite your team vision statement several times. Each time, try to:

  • find a more straightforward way to say the same thing
  • remove all redundant words
  • keep it as brief and concise as possible

A short and to-the-point message will help your team memorize it and keep it in their heads at all times. Let's compare:

  • “Bring unique opportunities to digital businesses.”
  • “Help businesses digitalize their work and get new, unique business opportunities.”

Both team vision statements say more or less the same thing. But, the first one is much more memorable and thus more effective. So, simplify until you find the winning formula for your team vision statement.

5. Reflect company values

The team vision statement needs to be in alliance with the company’s central values and mission. They should support one another and be closely tied together.

That means that you have to study and consider your company’s:

  • mission statement
  • values
  • goals
  • brand image

Then, make sure the team vision statement responds to it, promotes and nurtures the same values.

6. Create test versions

You never know how your team will respond to your team vision statement’s final version until you test it. You could create two or more versions and show them to team members divided into groups.

Ask them the following questions:

  • How does this make you feel?
  • Do you believe it?
  • Do you agree with it?
  • Do you think we can make it happen?

You should do it with both in-office and remote team members to get everyone’s opinion. Then, analyze each test version’s results and choose the one that got the team’s best response.

Final thoughts

Motivation and collaboration are the keys to a team's success. You are the one who needs to facilitate it at all levels, and the team vision statement will help you do it.

The six tips we've listed above will guide you by writing an inspiring team vision statement and ensuring you end up with the best possible version your team deserves.

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