What’s the average salary in Sweden

Avg. salary per year

481,200 SEK

Avg. salary per month

40,100 SEK

The average salary in Sweden is around SEK 481,200 per year or SEK 40,100 per month. However, this figure isn’t a one-size-fits-all figure. The amount you can potentially earn is heavily influenced by your particular circumstances and the field you have chosen to pursue.

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What’s a good salary in Sweden?

Unfortunately, there's no simple answer, as it depends on several factors:

  • Your living expenses: Costs vary greatly depending on factors like location (Stockholm is more expensive than smaller towns), family size, housing type, and desired lifestyle.

  • Your needs and priorities: Do you prioritise saving, travel, dining out, or owning a car? This will influence what income level feels "good" for you

  • Your field and experience: Certain industries like IT, finance, and medicine offer higher salaries on average. Experienced professionals typically earn more than those starting out.

  • Your job type: Public sector jobs tend to offer slightly higher salaries than private sector jobs. Full-time employment pays more than part-time.

However, with all that said, looking at the data in Numbeo, it looks like a good salary for a Swedish employee is around 53,832 EUR gross and 39,588 EUR net per month.

The average salary in Sweden by city

When it comes to the average salary in Sweden, it’s important to remember the variations across different cities. For example, In vibrant Stockholm, the capital city, the average salary tends to be higher, reflecting its bustling economy and thriving business scene. Meanwhile, Gothenburg, located on the west coast, boasts a slightly lower average salary but compensates with a dynamic job market and exceptional work-life balance. Here’s a quick breakdown:

City Average Annual Salary (SEK) Population
Stockholm 498,000 990,000
Gothenburg 433,330 600,000
Malmö 445,047 360,000
Linköping 423,651 170,000
Uppsala 410,814 180,000
Helsingborg 423,651 110,000
Örebro 440,771 160,000
Jönköping 415,093 150,000
Lund 423,651 94,000

Source: PayScale

The average salary in Sweden by occupation

Below are the average monthly salaries per occupation sector.

Occupation Average Monthly Salary (SEK)
Architectural and Engineering Managers, Level 2 53,200
Headmasters, Level 2 55,300
Pre-school Managers, Level 2 50,800
Unit Managers in Social and Curative Care, Level 2 51,100
Unit Managers in Elderly Care, Level 2 47,200
Architects, Town and Traffic Planners 43,800
Professional Nurses 40,600
Physiotherapists 36,700
Occupational Therapists 36,000
Secondary Education Teachers 40,900
Primary School Teachers 37,700
Preschool Teachers 33,800
Management and Organisation Analysts 45,000
Software and System Developers 42,800
Social Work Professionals 37,500
Construction and Manufacturing Engineering Technicians 44,200
ICT Operations Technicians 34,700
Payroll and Personnel Clerks 32,100
Child Care Workers 25,800
Personal Assistants 30,800
Firefighters 34,800
Rail and Road Construction Workers 31,900
Restaurant and Kitchen Helpers 25,400

Source: SCB

The average salary in Sweden by governmental sector

Sweden is renowned for its strong welfare system and emphasis on public services, which naturally translates to competitive salaries in this sector. Government employees in Sweden enjoy a range of benefits and a high level of job security. Here’s a quick breakdown:

Occupation Average Monthly Salary (SEK)
Police Authorities 40,530
Swedish Immigration Board 37,510
The National Taxation Board 40,930
Board Of Customs 41,250
Swedish Transport Administration 46,660
University And University College 44,700
Swedish Employment Service 39,230
National Board Of Forestry 40,800
The Swedish University Of Agricultural Sciences 41,550
Defence Organisation 40,350

Source: SCB

The average salary in Sweden by highest-paid occupations

When it comes to the highest-paid occupations in the country, several fields stand out. In the tech industry, professionals such as software engineers and data scientists enjoy handsome compensation packages, thanks to the country's thriving IT sector. Meanwhile, healthcare professionals, including specialists and surgeons, are highly valued for their expertise, which reflects their compensation.

Occupation Average Monthly Salary (SEK)
Healthcare - Surgeons 150,000
Healthcare - Orthodontists 100,000
Finance and Business - Insurance Manager 150,000
Finance and Business - Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) 90,000
Legal and Judicial - Judges 140,000
Legal and Judicial - Lawyers 130,000
Other Sectors - IT Managers 80,000
Other Sectors - Pilots 70,000
Other Sectors - Professors 70,000
Technology - Data Scientist 42,000
Technology - Software Developers 42,000

Source: PayScale

The average salary in Sweden by education level

Education Level Average Monthly Salary (SEK)
Primary 31,300
Secondary 34,200
Tertiary Education 35,700

Source: Statista

It’s quite fascinating to observe that the disparity in the average monthly pay between individuals with a Primary education and those with a Tertiary education is only 14.05%. Basically, going to college or pursuing higher education doesn't always guarantee a significant increase in earnings as many people might assume.

The average salary in Sweden by age

Source: SCB

According to the graph, it appears that there is a noticeable increase in the gender pay gap as individuals age. This suggests that the disparity between male and female earnings becomes more pronounced as people progress further into their careers.

Why move to Sweden?

From stunning nature and a strong social safety net to thriving job opportunities and a vibrant culture, Sweden offers a compelling draw for those seeking a high quality of life. However, it’s important to note that Sweden's cost of living sits somewhere between the American Midwest and major European cities like London. It's also generally higher than countries in Eastern Europe but cheaper than its immediate Nordic neighbours. Here’s a quick breakdown:

Country Average Annual Salary (Euros)
Switzerland Flag Switzerland €84,159
Norway Flag Norway €56,810
Denmark Flag Denmark €49,850
Germany Flag Germany €49,260
Finland Flag Finland €47,688
Sweden Flag Sweden €43,690
Netherlands Flag Netherlands €42,236
France Flag France €39,800
Italy Flag Italy €35,561
Austria Flag Austria €31,407
United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom €30,031
Spain Flag Spain €29,113
Slovenia Flag Slovenia €27,350
Estonia Flag Estonia €22,850
Portugal Flag Portugal €22,000
Poland Flag Poland €20,390
Czechia Flag Czechia €19,200
Hungary Flag Hungary €18,807
Croatia Flag Croatia €16,440
Greece Flag Greece €15,335
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