What is the average Salary in Paris?

Avg. salary per year

54,100 EUR

Avg. salary per month

4,508 EUR

According to the French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE), the average salary in Paris is €54,100, which is €4,300 more than the national average. It's important to remember that the cost of living in Paris is higher than the rest of the country. Therefore, an annual income of €54,100, although the average salary in Paris, may not be sufficient to live comfortably.

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What is a good salary in Paris?

Statista reports that a yearly salary of €67,919 or €5,660 per month can provide a comfortable lifestyle in Paris. This salary will let you finance a car, rent a decent apartment, and enjoy life through holidays and other activities. However, If you prefer to indulge in lavish and extravagant expenses, you’d need to earn a much higher salary.

Factors that can affect the salary you can expect to earn in Paris

The average salary in Paris may be €54,100, but it's important to note that individual earnings can vary greatly. Some individuals earn well above this average, while others may earn significantly less. Remember, several factors can impact your potential salary in Paris.

  • Your profession: Like any other city, certain occupations tend to have higher salaries than others.
  • Your experience: The greater your experience in your field, the higher your expected earnings.
  • Your education level: Higher education levels can lead to higher salaries. However, this isn’t always the case across all industries.
  • Your language skills: Since Paris is a French-speaking city, not being fluent in French could result in missing out on higher-paying jobs.
  • Company size: Not all businesses in the same industry pay the same. Salary size is determined by the size of the company, with bigger companies usually offering higher salaries.

Average salary in Paris by industry

The data below displays the highest-demand job sectors in Paris and their average salaries according to Salary Explorer.

Please note that the data below shows the industry's average salary range from the lowest to the highest. However, the actual maximum salary may be higher.

Industry Average Annual Salary (range)
Healthcare €17,200 - €245,000
Technology €28,600 - €90,000
Finance €22,900 - €114,000
Logistics €30,801 - €50,714
Tourism €13,900 - €102,000
Education €28,000 - €106,000
Engineering €14,700 - €98,200
Design €24,500 - €94,100

Further analysing salaries in Paris by profession

Since the above data only shows average salary ranges by industry, we have further divided each sector by their most common professions and included their average salaries.

1. Healthcare

France operates a universal healthcare system, resulting in a high demand for healthcare professionals. The figures below have been sourced from the Economic Research Institute (ERI).

Profession Average Annual Salary
Nurse €61,083
Physician €149,980
Pharmacist €79,738

2. Technology

Paris has a strong technology industry with a high demand for software engineers and other tech professionals. The figures below are according to data sourced from Glassdoor.

Profession Average Annual Salary
Software Engineer €50,000
Data Scientist €53,000
Information Technology (IT) Manager €78,860

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3. Finance

There is a high demand for bankers, accountants, and other financial professionals in Paris, a major financial centre. Here are their average salaries according to ERI.

Profession Average Annual Salary
Accountant €62,848
Investment Banker €49,168
Financial Advisor €66,499

4. Logistics

Paris is a transportation hub, creating a high demand for logistics professionals like supply chain managers and freight forwarders. The data below has been retrieved from Glassdoor.

Profession Average Annual Salary
Supply Chain Manager €58,555
Truck (Lorry) Driver €32,071
Logistics Engineer €49,457

5. Tourism

Paris is a popular destination for tourists, creating a high demand for professionals in the tourism industry, including hoteliers, tour guides, and restaurateurs. The averages were obtained from Glassdoor as a source of information.

Profession Average Annual Salary
Hotelier €76,586
Tour Guide €39,322
Restaurateur €78,720

6. Education

Paris is a major educational hub with a high demand for teachers, professors, and other education professionals. Here are their average salaries according to ERI.

Profession Average Annual Salary
Professor €74,174
Teacher (High School) €50,469
Tutor €39,841

7. Engineering

There’s a high demand for engineers, including civil, mechanical, and electrical, as Paris is a major centre for engineering. ERI has provided the below figures.

Profession Average Annual Salary
Civil Engineer €75,972
Mechanical Engineer €72,206
Electrical Engineer €67,810

8. Design

As Paris is a major centre for fashion, art, and design, it’s no surprise that there’s a high demand for designers such as fashion, graphic, and interior designers. The figures below have been sourced from ERI.

Profession Average Annual Salary
Fashion Designer €66,206
Graphic Designer €51,340
Interior Designer €54,366

Average salaries in other French cities

According to WorldSalaries, below are the average salaries per French city:

City Average Annual Salary
Marseille €53,600
Strasbourg €50,800
Toulouse €50,600
Lyon €50,600
Nice €50,000
Montpellier €49,000
Nantes €48,300
Bordeaux €44,500
Lille €44,200

If you decide to make Lille or Bordeaux your home, you'll find that the average salaries are lower than in larger cities. However, this is balanced out by the fact that the cost of living is also lower in these areas.

Average salary in Paris by age

Experience is a major factor in determining your salary, and it often increases with age.

  • Under 25 years old: Young people typically earn lower salaries than older workers. In Paris, the average salary for someone under 25 years old is around €1,800 net per month.
  • 25-44 years old: These professionals typically earn higher salaries than young people. In Paris, the average salary for someone between 25 and 44 years old is around €2,500 net per month.
  • 45-64 years old: Senior professionals typically earn the highest salaries. In Paris, the average salary for someone between 45 and 64 years old is around €3,000 net per month.
  • Retirees (over 65 years old): Retirees typically earn the lowest salaries. In Paris, the average pension is around €1,500 net per month.

Average salaries in other European countries

Europe is a dream destination for anyone looking to relocate. With its high-quality infrastructure, exceptional healthcare, and strong social welfare programs, it offers an unparalleled standard of living. The continent boasts a rich cultural heritage, with a wide variety of languages, cuisines, and historical sites just waiting to be explored. So it’s no surprise that many foreigners move to Europe for a prosperous career. And as our other articles highlight, many European countries also offer high average salaries, making Europe the number one destination for expats.


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