What is the average salary in Greece?

Avg. salary per year

15,335 EUR

Avg. salary per month

1,277 EUR

According to Greece in Figures, the average salary in Greece is around 15,335 per year or 1,277 EUR per month, which is relatively low compared to other countries in the region.

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Further analysing the average salary in Greece

As the above figure represents the net salary for a single person without children, it would be good to look at the other average figures for the country:

Circumstance/Household Average Annual Salary (Net) (€)
Family with Two Workers and No Children €33,274
Family with Two Workers and Two Children €33,520
Family with One Worker and Two Children €17,768

Source: Greece in Figures

Despite the low salary averages, the unemployment rate is much lower than previous years, at 12.5%.

The average salary in Greece by occupational group

Now let's dive deeper by exploring the average salaries by occupational group. Here’s the breakdown:

Occupational Group Average Monthly Salary (Gross) (€)
Administration €1,423
Agriculture and Food €1,469
Arts and Culture €1,538
Banking €2,119
Motorcar Industry €1,790
Chemical and Laboratory €1,621
Commerce €1,317
Construction and Real Estate €2,046
Customer Support €1,546
Economy, Finance, and Accountancy €1,565
Education, Science & Research €1,307
Electrical and Power Engineering €1,904
General Labour €1,123
Human Resources €2,038
Information Technology €2,243
Insurance €1,930
Journalism, Printing Arts and Media €1,562
Law & Legislation €2,118
Leasing €2,494
Management €3,019
Marketing, Advertising and PR €934
Mechanical Engineering €1,850
Medicine & Social Care €1,750
Mining €1,916
Pharmaceutical €2,124
Production (Factory) €1,628
Public Administration €1,917
Quality Management €1,946
Security & Protection €1,665
Service Industries €1,359
Technology, Development €2,492
Telecommunications €2,225
Textile, Leather, and Apparel €1,119
Top Management €6,013
Tourism, Gastronomy and Hotel €1,127
Translating, Interpreting €1,696
Transport, Haulage and Logistics €1,598
Water Management, Forestry and Environment €1,593
Wood Processing €1,518

Source: PayLab

The average salary in Greece by individual job role

As the above table only looks at each industry as a whole, we’ll dig a bit deeper and focus on specific roles within some of these industries:

1. Technology and Development

It’s quite common across the globe to find higher salaries within this industry, and Greece isn’t an exception. Below are the average salaries for earners in this field.

Job Role Average Monthly Salary (€)
Software Developer €1,465
Systems Analyst €2,200
Data Scientist €3,776

2. Pharmaceutical

It should be no surprise that those in the pharmaceutical industry are also very well compensated. Here’s a quick breakdown:

Job Role Average Monthly Salary (€)
Laboratory Technician €1,758
Microbiologist €3,586
Biochemist €3,656

3. Law & Legislation

Another lucrative industry is Law, which, again, shouldn’t be a surprise as this is quite common across the world.

Job Role Average Monthly Salary (€)
Lawyer €6,097
Judge €3,524
Legal Counsel €5,343

4. Medicine & Social Care

Those in the medical field also have the potential to earn high amounts, depending on their role and experience level.

Job Role Average Monthly Salary (€)
Surgeons €11,095
Nurses €3,104
Doctors €7,349

5. Mechanical engineering

There is a great need for mechanical engineers in a variety of industries, such as energy, manufacturing, construction, and transportation, which is why this industry also pays high.

Job Role Average Monthly Salary (€)
Civil Engineer €3,671
CAD Technician €2,398
Maintenance Engineer €2,690

Sources: Economic Research Institute (ERI)

What influences the average salary in Greece?

The average salary is determined by a combination of various factors that impact the overall level of income as well as the gaps between different industries and job positions. Let’s look into this further:

1. Economic Factors

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): When an economy is strong and growing, people tend to earn more money on average. But recently, Greece has been struggling economically compared to some other countries in Europe, which has affected the average salary.

Inflation: The price for goods and services in Greece is relatively high, and has been for quite some time. This could be attributed to its steady tourism. Did you know that every year, the number of visitors to Greece exceeds its population?

2. Government Policies

Minimum wage: Greece's minimum wage is relatively low compared to some European countries.

Social Security and benefits: Greece's social safety net has been strained in recent years, potentially impacting wage demands.

Average salaries in other European countries

According to the data from Greece in Figures, Greece’s average salary is 81.78% less than Switzerland's and 32.96% less than Poland's. Here’s a breakdown of other European countries:

Country Average Annual Salary (Euros)
Switzerland Flag Switzerland €84,159
Norway Flag Norway €56,810
Denmark Flag Denmark €49,850
Germany Flag Germany €49,260
Finland Flag Finland €47,688
Sweden Flag Sweden €43,690
Netherlands Flag Netherlands €42,236
France Flag France €39,800
Italy Flag Italy €35,561
Austria Flag Austria €31,407
United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom €30,031
Spain Flag Spain €29,113
Slovenia Flag Slovenia €27,350
Estonia Flag Estonia €22,850
Portugal Flag Portugal €22,000
Poland Flag Poland €20,390
Czechia Flag Czechia €19,200
Hungary Flag Hungary €18,807
Croatia Flag Croatia €16,440
Greece Flag Greece €15,335
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