DevOps Engineer salary

According to StackOverflow, the median salary for a DevOps Engineer is estimated to be $79,000 USD. The expected range for DevOps Engineers (depending on experience and location) is between $53,000 and $146,000. Based on salary data from DevOps Engineers in the US, UK, Germany, Australia, and Canada (Glassdoor). If you are on the lower end of this range, it might be time to find a new DevOps job.

Since DevOps Engineer salaries vary from country to country, we’ll go through the top markets for English-speaking developers and, using data from Glassdoor, explore the median salaries and what you can expect to earn from a less experienced DevOps Engineer to a grizzled veteran based on what country you are in. All salary data is in USD, for local currencies, you can view the table below.

Median salary by experience and country (USD):

For the most accurate salary estimates check out our salary calculator.

Median DevOps Engineer salaries by country

A DevOps Engineer in the United States will have very different salary options from a DevOps Engineer in Europe. And because these country-specific salary bands are so different, the entire worldwide average is lowered. Let’s go through the main markets for English-speaking engineers and compare salaries.

The median salary for DevOps Engineers in the United States is $134,000, making them the highest paid (on average) worldwide. DevOps Engineers in the U.S. that are new to the role earn about $118,000 while Senior engineers can earn $170,000 or higher.

DevOps Engineers in Australia have the second-highest salary bracket after the United States, they surprisingly earn the highest median salary of $79,000 and have a higher salary range than the UK, Germany, and Canada. Junior DevOps Engineers are reported to earn $62,000 while Seniors can make upwards of $102,000.

Out of these selected markets, DevOps Engineers in the United Kingdom earn the lowest median salary at $66,000, but the top end of the salary is thankfully quite competitive – from $53,000 to $95,000.

DevOps Engineers in Germany have a median salary of $70,000, with Juniors earning $68,000 on the low end and Seniors earning $89,000 on the high end. In Germany, this is a very competitive salary, especially when we compare it to what the average software developer earns.

And lastly, DevOps Engineers in Canada earn a median salary of $74,000. The salary range from Junior to Senior developers is $60,000–$91,000.

DevOps salaries in local currencies:

Median: $134,000 £54,000 €66,000 $119,000 $101,000
Low: $118,000 £44,000 €64,000 $93,000 $83,000
High: $170,000 £73,000 €85,000 $161,000 $126,000

DevOps salary by tools and technology

According to StackOverflow, DevOps engineers working with Chef, Pulumi, and Terraform earn the highest salaries. Developers who are skilled in Chef actually earn the most ($120,000) out of all technologies including programming languages, databases, and platforms. Unfortunately, Chef is also the most dreaded tool whereas Docker and Kubernetes are the most loved DevOps tools.

DevOps salary by technology (USD):

The highest DevOps Engineer salaries reported

The highest reported DevOps Engineer salaries are reported in the United States where DevOps Engineers can earn anywhere from $166,000–$260,000 (Meta). You’ll also find other big tech companies like Google ($202,000), Gigster ($199,000), and Mozilla ($196,000) offer similar salary ranges.

DevOps salary over time

Since there was limited data on Flutter developers, we instead used the median mobile developer salary from the U.S. and worldwide (from 2017 to 2022), as reported in the annual StackOverflow survey, and compared the two data sets to give you a better idea of how mobile developer salaries are growing year by year.

DevOps salary over time US versus Worldwide (USD):

DevOps Engineer salary by city

San Francisco is the highest-paying city for DevOps Engineers in the major English-speaking cities at $143,000. Second is New York at $139,000 then Sydney at $89,000. Berlin offers higher pay than both London and Toronto though, which is almost half of what engineers earn in the U.S. And finally, Paris offers the lowest DevOps Engineer salaries ($55,000).

Median DevOps salary by city (USD):

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