What is the average salary in Austria?

Avg. salary per year

32,834 EUR

Avg. salary per month

2,736 EUR

According to Statistik Austria, the average median salary in Austria is €32,834. This is an estimated net income of €24,652 (after taxes), which works out to around €2,054 per month. Separating the genders, we find that men earn an average of €37,707 while women earn slightly less at €24,309.

These are the overall averages for the whole country of Austria, including all occupations and industries. While a total average is nice to know, it’s not going to help you understand your earning potential if you are living in Austria. So let’s dive deeper into salary averages in Austria. Keep reading as we discuss averages by province, industry, occupation and role.

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Analysing Average Salaries in Austria

Average salary by region

The average salary in Austria is quite high compared on a global scale. Austria sits slightly higher than the UK average but a fair bit lower than Switzerland (which is one of the highest in the world). Within Austria there are variations in average wages as well, for example, in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) the average gross salary is the highest in Austria at €34,374. Looking within this province we find the province of Vienna which actually reports the lowest (surprisingly) avg. salary at €29,515. Here’s a table of each federal state and the average salaries.

Federal State Number of People 1. Quartile (25%) 2. Median (50%) 3. Quartile (75%)
Burgenland 134,153 19,347 34,307 50,005
Kärnten 256,694 16,383 31,952 47,355
Niederösterreich 800,862 18,394 34,374 51,120
Oberösterreich 738,281 18,055 33,889 49,390
Salzburg 280,736 15,042 30,738 46,361
Steiermark 601,425 16,329 32,286 47,506
Tirol 388,831 13,996 29,965 45,284
Vorarlberg 185,983 15,176 33,061 50,675
Wien 915,952 12,586 29,515 47,600
Österreich 4,302,917 15,932 32,177 48,478

Average salary by sector

The industry you work in also plays an important part in your annual earnings. Let’s take a look at each sector as a whole and see what the average income is.

Sector Gross Annual Income Proportion of Women Full-time Share
Mining and Quarrying 45,325 15% 92%
Manufacture of Goods 41,810 27% 84%
Power Supply 60,216 21% 88%
Water Supply; Sewage and Waste Disposal 35,240 22% 81%
Construction 35,158 13% 82%
Trade; Maintenance and Repair 26,640 55% 57%
Transport and Storage 34,546 22% 81%
Accommodation and Gastronomy 12,381 57% 56%
Information and Communication 47,157 35% 74%
Provision of Financial and Insurance Services 49,826 52% 70%
Real Estate and Housing 28,391 57% 57%
Provision of Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 32,405 55% 59%
Provision of Other Economic Services 20,137 41% 63%
Public Administration, Defence, Social Insurance 42,827 62% 69%
Education and Teaching 26,013 60% 45%
Health and Social Services 26,682 77% 36%
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 19,070 48% 55%
Other Services 22,072 66% 49%
In Total 31,407 47% 65%

Average salary by occupation

We can compare average salary in Austria by occupation to get a better idea of what your peers are earning. Here are the main categories and what they are earning.

Profession All Women Men
Total 32,184 24,786 38,823
Management 70,000 52,918 82,780
Academic Professions 45,118 39,787 56,537
Technicians and Equivalent Non-Technical Professions 39,973 31,907 48,518
Clerks and Related Professions 28,804 27,039 33,739
Service Professions and Salespeople 19,157 18,232 22,149
Skilled Workers in Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries 16,710 7,892 18,642
Craft and Related Jobs 37,333 23,506 38,320
Plant and Machine Operators and Assembly Workers 35,705 25,018 37,778
Unskilled Workers 18,084 15,292 24,565

How much do politicians make?

Have you ever wondered what politicians earn? Thanks to Finanzrechner, we’ve got access to public service salary data — have a look and see how you compare. Let’s just say it’s an interesting comparison against the national workforce…

Role Salary/month
Federal President €26,701
Chancellor €23,840
Vice Chancellor €20,979
President of the National Council €20,026
Governor €19,745
Federal Minister €19,072
Provincial Council €17,771
Secretary of State €17,165
Club Officials €16,211
Member of the National Council €9,873
MEP €9,873
Member of Parliament €7,898
Member of the Federal Council €4,936

Job Roles

We looked at industry sectors as a whole, which is useful when comparing one sector to another, but if we want to compare one role to another, we’ll need to break down this data by role. Below, we've outlined notable sectors along with their corresponding average salaries:

Information Technology (IT):

  • IT Manager: €75,000/year
  • Software Engineer: €52,000/year
  • Data Analyst: €43,600/year


  • Financial Analyst: €47,000/year
  • Accountant: €40,000/year
  • Investment Banker: €60,000/year



  • Mechanical Engineer: €47,000/year
  • Civil Engineer: €38,000/year
  • Electrical Engineer: €53,000/year


  • Marketing Manager: €55,000/year
  • Social Media Manager: €39,500/year

Factors influencing salary levels

Aside from occupation and industry, the next biggest factors that can push your potential earnings higher are experience, education, location, company, and market trends. Let’s go through each of these factors and discuss why and how they influence salary.

1. Experience

In Austria, as in many places, experience is a key driver of salary increments. For instance, seasoned professionals in engineering or healthcare — sectors where Austria faces skills shortages — can command higher salaries. This is due to their specialised knowledge and the direct impact of their skills on the success of organisations. For example, experienced engineers in Austria can earn significantly more than their entry-level counterparts, which reflect the high demand and the critical nature of their roles in sectors like hydropower and mechanical engineering.

2. Education and qualifications

Austria values formal education highly, particularly in specialised fields that support its economic pillars, such as engineering and healthcare. Holding advanced degrees, such as a master's or doctoral degree, can set candidates apart in the job market. For instance, engineers with advanced degrees are in high demand due to Austria's leadership in the hydropower industry. Furthermore, qualifications from recognised institutions are essential for securing work visas for non-EU nationals, which is particularly pertinent in Austria due to its stringent immigration policies. Higher education often leads to better salaries because it aligns with the Bologna Process, which makes sure that the quality and standards of higher education are similar across many countries.

3. Location

In Austria, location significantly influences earning potential. Urban areas like Vienna, which was rated the most livable city globally by the Global Liveability Index, typically offer higher salaries due to the concentration of multinational companies and high-value industries. For instance, salaries are typically higher in Vienna compared to rural areas due to the city's strong economy and the presence of well-paying jobs in fields like finance, technology, and international business. This variation in pay between regions highlights the need to think about location when looking at job opportunities in Austria.

4. Company size and industry demand

Larger companies and those in high-demand industries often offer higher salaries to attract and retain skilled workers. The job market in Austria is dominated by medium-sized enterprises, which are particularly prevalent in the country’s robust manufacturing and technology sectors. For example, larger firms in Vienna may offer higher salaries compared to smaller firms in less urbanised areas due to the higher cost of living and the competitive job market. Additionally, industries with a high demand for skilled workers, such as technology and healthcare, often provide more lucrative compensation packages to reflect the critical need for these roles.

5. Market trends and economic conditions

The stability of Austria's economy significantly impacts salaries in different industries. For instance, the technology sector benefits from strong investment, leading to higher salaries for AI specialists and machine learning engineers. Specifically, as noted earlier, IT product managers in Austria can earn between 60,000 to 90,000 euros annually, depending on experience and specific skills. In contrast, sectors like tourism and hospitality are more susceptible to economic fluctuations. During downturns, these sectors may face reduced wages and fewer job opportunities, so it’s important to keep an eye on which sectors are thriving, as these are likely to offer better salaries and more stable job prospects.

Average salary compared to other EU countries

Country Average Annual Salary (Euros)
Switzerland Flag Switzerland €84,159
Norway Flag Norway €56,810
Denmark Flag Denmark €49,850
Germany Flag Germany €49,260
Finland Flag Finland €47,688
Sweden Flag Sweden €43,690
Netherlands Flag Netherlands €42,236
France Flag France €39,800
Italy Flag Italy €35,561
Austria Flag Austria €31,407
United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom €30,031
Spain Flag Spain €29,113
Slovenia Flag Slovenia €27,350
Estonia Flag Estonia €22,850
Portugal Flag Portugal €22,000
Poland Flag Poland €20,390
Czechia Flag Czechia €19,200
Hungary Flag Hungary €18,807
Croatia Flag Croatia €16,440
Greece Flag Greece €15,335


While the average gross salary in Austria hovers around 31,000 EUR per year, your own earnings can vary based on the factors we discussed earlier. To get a better idea of your potential salary range, you can try out the salary calculator. If you happen to be earning below the national average, it might be time to dust off your resume and start looking for a new job. Tech professionals, make sure to check out the WeAreDevelopers job board and see what exciting new opportunities await you!

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