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External Secrets Operator: the secrets management toolbox for self-sufficient teams
Moritz Johner - a year ago
Secrets management is a difficult challenge: How do you create, rotate and manage access? And how would you even do that at scale? With External Secrets Operator you can leverage existing solutions like HashiCorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager that manage secrets for you and integrate them with Kubernetes. Moritz wants to share his insights on how secrets management is done right in a financially regulated environment where you can not take any shortcuts in security. External Secrets Operator is a community endeavor that emerged from different open-source projects that all tried to solve one problem: pull secrets from a secret management API into Kubernetes. We joined our efforts in 2020 to find a common denominator across projects to build the best solution to that problem and even go beyond that. Today, we've built a vendor-neutral community around the project and provide a consistent custom resource API across different cloud vendors and secret management APIs.
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