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Automated Code Quality Checks with Custom SonarQube Rules
Daniel Strmečki & Martin Gluhak - 3 years ago
In this lecture, we'll present the IBM iX project quality approach, including coding guidelines, static code analysis, and testing automation. Coding guidelines define our aligned best practices, which are enforced through architectural unit tests and SonarQube static code analysis. Furthermore, we used our company coding guidelines to create a set of custom SonarQube rules. Naturally, we don’t want to repeat the same mistakes on multiple projects. Moreover, we want our new-joiners to learn from our previous experience. We'll also do a live coding session. We'll show how to create custom Sonar rules for Java. Utilizing a template project provided by SonarSource, we will create a new custom rule and accompanying unit tests. Once created, we'll deploy the rule to a local SonarQube instance and add it to our quality profile. After everything is configured, we will demonstrate rule usage from the end-user perspective when developing in IntelliJ with help of the SonarLint plugin.
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