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Open sourcing a library: how hard can that be?
Johan Hutting - 6 months ago
Open sourcing your code seems easy these days: you pick an appropriate license, select a free hosting service that fits your needs, upload the code and interact with the community. Libraries however pose some interesting challenges: your consumers and dependencies change, you'll need to submit it to a repository and the added need for proper documentation. In this talk we'll cover the benefits of open sourcing your library as well as the steps you'll need to take using a real-world example. We'll also cover some of the added challenges you'll face such as releasing to Maven central, keeping your code up to date and secure as well as the altered consumers of your code. We'll walk through suggestions to handle these to help you out in case you run into them. This session will equip you with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and benefits of open sourcing a Java library, enabling you to open, or perhaps start writing, your own.
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