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CODE100 Manchester!

CODE100 is back and this time we will come to Manchester, England!

CODE100 is a live coding competition on stage with a game show twist. We already had a few competitions and each winner gets a chance to win 10,000 Euro at the finals in Berlin at the WeAreDevelopers World Congress in July.

CODE100 is a big party and we need both people to root for and people to compete as challengers.

If you want to get an impression what it looks like, check out the aftermovie of the last competition in Amsterdam:


In addition to the main challenge, there are also audience rounds with extra prizes. These are multiple choice questions and those who answer first and correctly walk home with great stuff. If you want to check what questions you can expect, here are the ones we asked in the last edition

What do you need to compete in CODE100?

CODE100 consists of several rounds of challenges. In each round half the people will continue to the next round. As a challenger, you need to bring:

  • A mobile phone to take part in the quiz rounds
  • General development knowledge 
  • Experience analysing pseudo code
  • Coding skills in the language of your choice
  • Group coding experience - one round is about working together
  • The ability to keep your cool in a busy live stage environment.

You will have to be at the venue in time to get your introduction and try out the setup. We will not pay for your travel or accommodation, so if you want to compete, you’ll need to be in the place at the time.

You will not have to bring your own computer and you will have to work on PCs on stage. The keyboard layout is in US English and there will not be any mice.

CODE100 is independent of programming language. To allow people to use whatever they want, we have laptops set up for the challengers and use Daytona as the development environment.

You can check out a full walk-through of how the coding environment works here:

What is it like to take part in a CODE100 coding challenge on stage?

You will have access to the web, but AI code assistants, Bing Chat or ChatGPT are not allowed. You can search the web for solutions though.

Here are the four rounds you will have to face:  

General development quiz round

The first challenge is a general development knowledge round. We use Slido to make all the challengers compete with each other which means both the correct answer and the speed with which you give it will determine if you get to the next round.

If you want to check what kind of questions you'll have to answer, you can take a look at the ones we asked in the last edition in Amsterdam.

Live group coding round

The winners of this round are then sorted into teams who will work together on solving the first live coding challenge. If you want to check out what kind of challenges await you, here are the Amsterdam edition challenges for the group coding round with solutions in JavaScript:

Pseudo code quiz round

This is another round using Slido but instead of general development questions you have to tell us what a certain piece of pseudo code does. To get an impression, here are the questions we asked in Amsterdam with solution explanations.

Live final coding round

Once we found the last two challengers, they will go head to head in the last coding round. In Amsterdam, this was a more visual challenge:

Are you up for the challenge? 

That’s it. Nothing too fancy, and there is a lot to win and fun to be had. So why not apply as a challenger now?

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